20th - 24th January 2020.
4:30pm Daily

5 Nights of Glory is an annual event in Salvation Ministries, where sickness and diseases of all kinds are healed, and the captives are delivered.

Throughout the 5 Nights of Glory, unimaginable miracles of various kinds take place.

At the beginning of every year, the whole church fast and pray for 21 days, and the last week of the fasting is customarily the 5 Nights of Glory.

The service is broadcasted LIVE on all social media handles and can be watched LIVE on www.smhos.org.

In the past 5 Nights of Glory, I have God perform unbelievable miracles such as growing short legs, turning SS to AA with medical evidence, healing HIV & Aids, making the barren fruitful and working all manners of wonders.

This year God is set, God’s son David Ibiyeomie is set, and the church is fasting. So, come and receive your miracles from God.

Jesus loves you, and He wants to bless you, therefore, come expecting and you shall receive from God, in Jesus name.

5 NIGHTS OF GLORY 2020 is commencing on 20th January 2020 and shall end on 24th January, 2020.

You can worship with us at the Head Quarters of Salvation Ministries Home of Success, Plot 17 Birabi Street, G.R.A Phase 1, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Alternatively, you can worship at any of our satellite churches close to you.

For more information about the event and other programs of Salvation Ministries, kindly visit  www.smhos.org   

You can watch our Live services online on Sundays and Thursdays at the same address. www.smhos.org  Time GMT+1

Now, if you're reading this but you've not given your life to Christ, I want you to know that without the help of God in the race there is a limit to what you can achieve. So, if you need the help of God to succeed in life please say after me - Lord Jesus, I am a sinner, forgive my sin. Cleanse me with your precious blood. Come into my heart. I accept you as my Lord and personal saviour. Write my name in the book of life. I am born again. Old things are passed away, behold, all things have become new in Jesus name.

 God bless you

Sandra Ikiriko
