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5 Nights of Glory
16th – 20th January, 2017
Salvation Ministries Home of Success
Plot 17 Birabi Street G.R.A Phase 1
Port Harcourt

5 Nights of Glory is an annual event in Salvation Ministries World Wide. It usually begins with a 21 days fasting and prayers in the beginning of every year, and the last week of the fasting is the 5 Nights of Glory event. 

The 5 Nights of Glory event is usually power packed; the sick get healed; HIV 1&2 turns
 negative with medical proof, SS turns AA with medical proof, blind eyes receive their sights, short legs grows on the spot to become equal, the unemployed get miracle employments, singles find partners, and the barren are made fruitful.

During the 5 Nights of Glory, God is usually set to do incredible things in the lives of His people.

Last year’s 5 Nights of Glory was incredible. It was amazing what God did, beginning from the number of worshipers who watched the program globally from 195 Nations via the online Live-Streaming. 

Millions of people watched it live each day, and the testimonies were too much to be recorded.

This coming 5 Nights of Glory, the Lord is set to do far greater things through His servant Pastor David Ibiyeomie.

 Get prepared to receive all your outstanding miracles from God in this 5 Nights of Glory, 

 I see God meet you at the point of your need.


For more information about the program and other programs of Salvation Ministries kindly visit www.smhos.org 

You can watch our services Live online on Sundays and Thursdays at same address. Time GMT+1

Now if you're reading this but you've not given your life to Christ, I want you to know that without the help of God in the race there is a limit to what you can achieve. So, if you need the help of God in order to succeed in life please say after me - Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner, forgive my sin. Cleanse me now with your precious blood. Come into my heart. I accept you now as my Lord and personal saviour. Write my name in the book of life. I am born again. Old things are passed away, behold, all things have become new in Jesus name.

 My 5 Nights of Glory Tag. 

Staff members advertising the 5 Nights of Glory

I'll be expecting you to attend the 5 Nights of Glory 2017. Do take note of the date: 16th – 20th January, 2017
This woman's HIV 1 & 2 of 3 years, turned negative with medical proof.

Miracle marriages. Singles finding life partners. Over 50 persons got married on same day at SALVATION MINISTRIES HQ.

Confirmation of prophecy by His servant. A 52 years old lady got married first time in her life. 

He had an accident, and could not walk without his walking aid. God healed him during the service, and he can now walk freely without those walking aids.
My video regarding the success of the previous 5 Nights of Glory.

What are you waiting for? Join us to seek the face of the Lord in this coming 5 Nights of Glory 2017. Save the date 16th - 20th January, 2017. Invite your friends and family to join and watch the service LIVE  daily at   www.smhos.org

God bless you

Sandra Ikiriko
