1.    Finance: As  children of God, we are expected to be open about our finance. For the men; don’t give her an impression that your salary is Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) whereas it is far less than that. When she knows how much you're been paid, it will enable her to properly manage whatever you've given to her without asking for more. Also for the ladies, it is advised that you should be open to your partner about your finance.
3.   Honesty: We are expected to be honest in our relationship. If you have a child with your ex, be kind to inform your partner about it. Don’t hide it because when he/she finds out, the person may never trust you again.

4.   Don’t Borrow: Don’t borrow anything from your friends just to impress your partner. Allow your partner love you for who are you and the two of you when become one shall grow together. If you don’t own a car, let her know you don’t own one, don’t give a false impression of yourself because it is totally not necessary

5.   Praising your ex: Some people form the habit of constantly talking about their ex, saying things which makes their spouse feel as though their ex is better than them. Irrespective of how good your ex is, kindly keep that information to yourself because if he/she was that good, why didn't you guys settle?

Thanks for reading but if you've not given your life to Christ, and you wish to give your life to Christ so God can help you build a godly relationship, kindly say after me - Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner, forgive my sin. Cleanse me now with your precious blood. Come into my heart. I accept you now as my Lord and personal saviour. Write my name in the book of life. I am born again. Old things are passed away, behold, all things have become new in Jesus name.

You can worship with us online every Sunday and Thursday at Salvation Ministries Home of Success Plot 17 Birabi Street GRA Phase 1 Port Harcourt or you can watch the service live online @  

Time: Sundays 6:30am, 8:am, 9:30am, 11:am, 12:30pm. Thursdays 4:30pm and 6:0pm (GMT +1)

God Bless You

Sandra Ikiriko
