'm grateful to God for my gender,
name, religion, and tribe. I‘m grateful to God for the unique
person He has made me to become. I'm grateful for where I'm coming from, and
for where I am at the moment. I'm grateful to God for all the rejection, and
mockery. I'm grateful to God for those who treated me badly; if not for them, I
wouldn't have known how important it is to be nice. I'm grateful also to God
for those who rejected me when I needed help the most, if not for their
rejection, I wouldn't have tried harder to succeed.
I'm grateful to God for all the heartbreaks
and failures which I have experienced in life. If I don't experience them, I
won't have a testimony to tell tomorrow. I am grateful to God for saving my
life in that accident which took the lives of others and a life of a pregnant
woman. I feel really sorry for the pregnant woman and her unborn child. But I'm
grateful to God for showing me mercy.
I'm grateful to God for who I am.
I'm grateful to God for the wisdom to write and for the number of Countries
which have read my work. It is not because I am the most intelligent person in
my neighborhood, but it is because of the Lord that shows mercy. I'm grateful
to God for all that I have, and for the many things which I lack, actually I
lack nothing, if they are my needs, then God would have provided them for me.
Today is just for thanksgiving,
so I'm grateful. Are you grateful?