
I'm grateful to God for all the heartbreaks
and failures which I have experienced in life. If I don't experience them, I
won't have a testimony to tell tomorrow. I am grateful to God for saving my
life in that accident which took the lives of others and a life of a pregnant
woman. I feel really sorry for the pregnant woman and her unborn child. But I'm
grateful to God for showing me mercy.
I'm grateful to God for who I am.
I'm grateful to God for the wisdom to write and for the number of Countries
which have read my work. It is not because I am the most intelligent person in
my neighborhood, but it is because of the Lord that shows mercy. I'm grateful
to God for all that I have, and for the many things which I lack, actually I
lack nothing, if they are my needs, then God would have provided them for me.
Today is just for thanksgiving,
so I'm grateful. Are you grateful?