“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. Ephesians 5:25.


A woman you love, you will provide for her, defend and protect.

How can you not love the woman you’re married to?


There is no perfect person out there. Every woman you see and admire outside was made by someone else.


If your wife is dressing in a way you do not like, talk to her. Teach her what she does not know. That is why you’re her head.


Ephesians 5:23a

The husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church.


Do not laugh at her when she makes mistakes. Do not tell your friends about her weakness, it will embarrass her.


If she does not know how to cook, send her to a catering school. In fact when she is back, she will begin to bake delicious meal for you, but never sale your wife to the public by telling her weakness to your friends or relatives.


A woman you love you will tolerate – it is not every little mistake she makes that you will shout at her and start abusing her.


She may not say a word, but God will not be happy with you. She is your wife and not your slave. Even if you were forced to marry her, now you are already married to her. So learn to love her and be nice to her. When you start being nice to your woman, you will see that with time she will change to be that wonderful wife you have always wanted her to be.



Also learn to forgive one another. Forgive her of all her past mistakes. And should she make more please learn to forgive all because that is the only way you can bring peace to your home.


Remember you’re the head of the home so if anything goes wrong in your marriage, it is you God will hold responsible and not the woman.


May God help you to walk in love, and May your marriage be the best.


Sandra Ikiriko
