Let your reputation mean the whole world to you. As a young girl don’t say
“men love me” and start dating every man that comes your way. As a young man, don’t say “I must make quick money at all cost, and as a result join a bad gang. Think before you act. Think of your reputation because a dented reputation cannot be erased.

People may not come out boldly to say how they feel about you, but you can’t change how they think about you.


A good name is better than precious stones.

Proverbs 22:1

Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.


Most times you will hear people telling their children not to associate or marry from a certain family due to the bad reputation such a family had made for themselves.

Don’t feel that when you’re old and your time on earth is over people will forget what you did. Most times people really don’t forget, they just decide not to talk about it.


You may not know what you stand to lose when you live your life anyhow. Guide your reputation jealously; let your reputation mean the whole world to you. Make a good name for yourself. If you wish to be known, then be known for something good.


A good reputation brings trust, money, recognition, promotion, and success. Your reputation is your wealth. Before you start looking for wealth, ensure you build a good reputation for yourself, and then wealth will naturally come your way.


Your qualification can make you have a good job, but personal recommendations can bring you a better and more paying job, and personal recommendation comes via good reputation.


Each minute of your life is either building your reputation or destroying your reputation. People don’t really care to know who offends you, but how you reacted to the offence is what matters. So, that is where reputation comes in.


Do not stain your reputation and have the mindset that no one will see it, remember even if no one sees it, God sees it. And He alone can touch the heart of a man to either promote or demote you.


Proverbs 21:1

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD like channels of water; he turns it wherever he wants.


Do not be involve in idle gossip, busy tearing other people down forgetting that you cannot go up while pulling someone else down.


Display the fear of the Lord everywhere you find yourself, even in places where there are no CCTV cameras to watch you. Let the word of God be your standard of living. Treat other people with respect, and maintain high level of morals. Remember that reputation is the heart beat of every company. Hence, be the best employee in that organization where you are employed, and even when no one says “thank you” to you always know that God doesn’t only say “thank you” but He equally blesses. And the blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow.


Be kind to people who don’t deserve your kindness, and in so doing you will be making a good name for yourself here on earth and in heaven.


Be good every time. It takes years to build reputation, and one minute to destroy it. Hence, never allow anger to ruin your reputation.

At your work place, build a good reputation. Don’t be known for coming to work late, or leaving your duties for others to handle on your behalf, or being the one who is behind all the troubles between co-workers at your place of work. A good reputation can bring for you what your qualification cannot bring for you.


Your character is who you are in the dark, while your reputation is what you are known for.

Some people have good character, but poor reputation. This is no fault of theirs, but they don’t just have a good reputation. An example is a married man who was found sleeping on same bed with another woman; the truth is he had nothing to do with her, but he has just ruin his reputation by sleeping on same bed with another woman. The issue is whether or not he had nothing to do with her, but by sleeping on same bed, he has ruined his reputation. The reason is it will be difficult to convince everyone that he had nothing to do with her.

Sandra Ikiriko
