1.     THE FEAR OF THE LORD: The fear of the Lord is doing what you are suppose to do correctly without any kind of supervision.


2.     FAITHFUL TITHING: This mean faithfully paying a ten percent of every money God gives to you irrespective of what your budgets are, or what your needs might be. It also mean to put God first in your finance, it also has to do with you being faithful in all other Kingdom commitment and honouring the servant of God who is feeding you spiritually.



3.     HONESTY: Honesty mean telling the truth at all time, and giving an accurate reply on all matters. Now even a man who is not honest would definitely prefer an honest man to work with than a person who is not.


4.     PUNCTUALITY: Punctuality simply mean being the first to arrive and the last to leave. When you are always the first to arrive at a place where you are needed and the last to leave, you will be loved and respected by all.



5.     HUMILITY: Humility mean being humble. It also mean bringing yourself low in order to serve a person better. It also mean being simple in nature, kind and soft in all that you do, whether when talking to someone  or when greeting  people. 


6.     SOCIAL GRACE AND ETIQUETTE: Social grace and Etiquette simply mean the way and manner in which you sit, stand, walk or talk. It also mean the way you dress to work or other social gathering. The first thing anyone will notice about you is the way you are dressed and the way you walk, after that is how you sound when you talk, and your good use of English, then your general manners. In order for you to excel in life and in business you need etiquette for success.


Thanks for reading – I love you and God bless.


Sandra Ikiriko
