The worse enemy you can ever have is yourself. Learn to love yourself; take good care of yourself, and be at peace with yourself and with your Creator. And every other thing shall fall into place.

 If you do not love yourself, you will be unkind to yourself. And in return that attitude would equally affect the way you relate with other people. At the end, you will always have issues with people you meet simply because you are not kind to yourself. So how can you be kind to others?
Every attitude you display outwardly is what you have already displayed inwardly. Why hate yourself so much? How can you love other people when you do not love yourself? How can you be kind to other people when you're not kind to yourself?

The reasons some people commit suicide is because they don’t love their selves and they find it hard to forgive themselves of their mistakes. Henceforth learn to forgive yourself for all your past mistakes and failures, inability to provide for your family, and from been unable to be that better person you so desire to be.
Life is beautiful so cheer up and be happy with yourself again. I believe this word is meant for someone. I don't know what you're thinking right now, but I know God loves you, and He wants you


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